About Congo, DRC. An outsider's view from inside.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Funding good works

I'm working on my security clearance application. Borrrring! But everything else I'm doing is not so boring. Yesterday, Sr. Georgette asked me to come help her. She's in charge of relations with donors and international organizations for her province (Franciscans, like other orders, have their own map of the world). We looked at various applications she's made for project funding. Basically, the traditional funding, which came from the Franciscan communities in Europe, has dried up. The European sisters are now in retirement homes - an expense instead of a source of income. So the FMM's have to turn to governments and NGO's for funding, but they don't know how to do that. All they had to do in the past was write a letter to their mother house in Rome, describing ghastly conditions here and saying, send us $50K to start building a clinic. Governments and NGO's are much more demanding: they want blueprints, pro-forma invoices, spreadsheets and timetables (understandably so, of course). Any advice is most welcome!


WWG said...

Hi :), Nice blog
Look from Quebec Canada

WWG :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, manman, your pictures are beautiful...I haven't had time to read all your posts yet, but I'll read them soon. I'm glad this comment thing finally works without messing up my computer.

Anonymous said...

desperately,i am searching the net
to communicate with Angelo Turconi
it seams that you had a speach from him recently?
do you have his adress?
thank you

Odile said...

Ben, yes, I know someone who can get in touch with him. If you'd like to leave an email address I can transmit it to him.