Ok, so it's been a shameful long time since I blogged. I don't really have an excuse. I was involved in a lot of things and didn't report to you. Now I'm getting ready to leave Kinshasa so I'll try, in my emptied house, to summarize some of the large and small events of the past months.
What shakes me out of my inertia, what prompts me to blog again, once more, is a letter from Zawadi, which I found at the bottom of a new package of letters and other crafts received from Nikinge. I have no time to sell them here, so they've already been packed up with our belongings to be shipped to our new assignment, Ottawa. I asked Jean Aime, my assistant, to make an inventory, a month ago when I received the package, but it wasn't until we emptied the box for the pack-out that I found Zawadi's letter.
Here's what it says:
Name: Zawadi
Address: Bukavu
First of all, I say hello. May my greetings arrive personally to you, to Sr. Georgette, without forgetting my dearest Charlotte. After these greetings, I would like to inform you that I am very happy because of all that you are doing for me. I didn't know if I would ever be a student again! But thanks to you I can be called a student again and I have achieved a 79% grade. I was 1st of my class of 40 students. The school gave me a free uniform as a reward.
May God bless you, all of you who believe in my future.
I love you and I will love you forever, and ever and forever.
It's Zawadi.